Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Bachelor of Science in Psychology


The Psychology Program of World Citi Colleges prepares its students to thrive and excel in real world situations, by providing them with education that fosters appreciation for social and cultural diversity, promotes ethical behavior, and encourages voluntary community outreach services, guided by institutional core values.


The Psychology Program of World Citi Colleges aspires to be a globally recognized leader in undergraduate education, by fostering student learning through modern scientific principles of behavior. It also strives to produce graduates who will contribute significantly to the community, and who will work effectively and responsibly with their fellowmen.


  • Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice..
  • Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
  • Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
  • Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
  • Preserve and promote "Filipino historical and cultural heritage".
  • Apply WCC Core Values in their personal and professional endeavors as effective and responsible World Citizens.
  • Apply social science concepts and theories to the analysis of social issues.
  • Design and execute social science research using appropriate approaches and methods.
  • Practice professional and ethical standards in the fields of social sciences and communication.
  • Demonstrate the capability to discuss and analyze the major theories and concepts in psychology (knowledge in psychology).
  • Demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in building knowledge on local culture and context psychological research).
  • Demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal and professional setting (application of psychology).
  • Demonstrate capability for self-reflection and independent learning in graduate education or in a professional context (independent learning).
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in research and practice In Psychology (ethics).
  • Demonstrate harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues, clients and others (interpersonal skills) in diverse setting.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological assessments and evaluation (psychological assessment).

This program produces graduates with solid basic knowledge and skills in Psychology.


Graduates of the BS Psychology program could be licensed psychometricians or work in the academe, in HR, research.

Beyond the beginning professional roles, the psychologist can pursue any of the following career options:

Graduates may also pursue careers in medicine, law, or management

With further specialized training graduates of this program may pursue specialization in
Psychology such as clinical, counseling, developmental, educational, social, industrial/organizational among others.

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