Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics


Acclaimed for its Nutrition and Dietetics education, as well as for creating graduates who are wealthy in value, highly competent, and well-versed in their respective fields of study, and who are also capable of making an influence on both their local communities and the world as a whole.


Continuing its mission to advance global health and well-being through food and nutrition, the Nutrition and Dietetics Program at World Citi Colleges will boldly move forward with cutting-edge programs, enhanced experiential learning opportunities, and purposeful research, securing our position as the best college program in Nutrition and Dietetics Program in the world.


  • Engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast of the developments in the specific field of practice
  • Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
  • Work effectively and independently in multi – disciplinary and multi – cultural teams
  • Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
  • Preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage (Based on RA No. 7722)
  • Apply WCC core values in their personal and professional endeavors as effective and responsible World Citizens
  • Promote the role of nutrition and dietetics for human well – being in relation to the needs, resources and potentials of individuals, groups or families.
  • Practice comprehensive nutritional care for the total wellness of individuals in a multidisciplinary and multi – cultural settings.
  • Integrate nutrition concerns with local and national development efforts.
  • Manage nutrition programs for individuals, groups and institutions
  • Manage a food service unit in hospital or other settings.
  • Implement an economically viable activity related to nutrition and dietetics.
  • Design and/or conduct a scientific study on food, nutrition and related topics.
  • Uphold ethical standards of the profession.
  • Engage in lifelong learning activities.  

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      Mobile: 0917-596-8545

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