Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathemathics

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathemathics

Our Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics is designed to equip you with the expertise needed to teach various branches of Mathematics—including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics—at the high school level.

Welcome to the interesting world of Mathematics education! Here’s what you can look forward to when you join our Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Education program:

  • Comprehensive Knowledge of Mathematics: Demonstrate mastery of core mathematical concepts, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics, enabling you to effectively teach these subjects at the high school level.
  • Pedagogical Expertise: Apply sound teaching methodologies and instructional strategies tailored to diverse learning needs, fostering engaging and effective classroom environments.
  • Integration of Technology: Utilize technology / tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning experiences, promoting interactive and innovative approaches in Mathematics education.
  • Development of Critical Thinking: Foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students through challenging and relevant mathematical tasks and activities.
  • Professional Ethics and Collaboration: Practice ethical standards in teaching, maintaining professionalism, accountability, and collaboration with colleagues, students, and the community.
  • Continuous Professional Growth: Engage in lifelong learning, participate in professional development activities, and pursue advanced studies to continually enhance your teaching practice and knowledge in Mathematics education.


A degree in secondary education major in Mathematics provides you with a diverse career landscape. Here are some specific roles you can pursue:

Immediate Professional Roles

  • Secondary School Mathematics Teacher
  • Mathematics Tutor
  • Educational Consultant

Advanced Career Options

With experience and further professional development, you can advance into higher-level roles such as:

  • Mathematics Department Head
  • Mathematics Curriculum Developer
  • Educational Researcher
  • Mathematics Education Specialist
  • Principal
  • School Administrator

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